Custom Supply Vending Solutions for Every Need

Nearly a quarter-century has passed since IVM first pioneered supply vending, a serendipitous breakthrough owed, in part, to a TV show. In 1993, a senior executive with Union Pacific Railroad spotted a pair of company-branded work gloves on a weekend gardening program.

At the time, Union Pacific had already subscribed to IVM’s traditional vending services. The executive asked if IVM could retrofit vending machines to distribute items like safety gloves and earplugs, while informing the company of who, when and how much supply is used. It’s a story we recount often.

In 2011, after seeing Union Pacific’s protective equipment (PPE) vending solutions, executives with Facebook followed suit.

Today, some of the tech industry’s biggest names have leaned on IVM’s supply vending technology for IT peripherals vending, empowering employees to create, innovate and do what they love by providing instant access to essential tools, 24/7.

We also see a great opportunity in the fields of financial services and healthcare. These are industries that increasingly compete with tech companies for employees. Not only does IVM’s automated supply devices give employees easy and immediate access to commonly used items, but it helps companies present themselves favorably to current and prospective employees.

But not every vending application is the same. IVM’s vending solutions can accommodate laptops, safety gear and even manufacturing and repair tools (even ones that don’t fit in a locker or machine).

We’re seeing multinational technology companies like HP and Intel use our ‘smart’ vending lockers to reinvent the way they help employees solve their IT issues.

Across its campuses worldwide, Facebook uses IVM equipment to ensure IT peripherals and bicycle parts – yes, bicycle parts – are always available to their employees.

Similarly, companies like Carrier rely on IVM PPE vending to keep employees safe with PPE and to automatically document usage. Firms requiring maintenance, repair and operations supply vending use large lockers to check expensive tools and supplies out to approved employees instantly, eliminating lag-time and paper work.

If you dream it, we can build it.

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